We Sell the Best Products
Stay up to date on our seasonal products, special offers, and community events. From chickens and turkeys, to potting soil and fertilizer, to horse care and other pet supplies -- we are Malone's neighborhood farm and garden center.

Get your seeds and sets now!
We are fully stocked with a wide variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. - long time favorites and some new varieties from Agway and Bentley heirloom seeds. We also offer a variety of bulk onion sets, seed potatoes, and bulk bean, pea, and corn seeds.
Pre-orders are coming in.
We’re still taking orders for chicks, ducklings, and turkey poults.
Varieties: Chicks: Cornish X Rock, Araucana, Barred Rocks, R.I. Red, Buff Orpington, White Leghorn, & More Ducklings: White Pekin, Rouen & Ancona, Cayuga, Black or Blue Swedish, Welsh Harlequin Turkey Poults: Broad Breasted White & Mammoth Bronze. Taking orders now for Guinea Hens. June and July delivery.

Garden Center Opening!
We have the gardening supplies you need!