The North Country’s Farm & Garden Supply Store

Nobody loves farming and gardening like we do.


We offer the best local selection of poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and meat birds.

For free-layers, we’ve got New Hampshires, Rhode Islands, Hard Rocks, &Americanas, and we can custom order specific breeds you are looking for. We also stock meat birds like Cornish Rocks all the way into September.

In addition to birds, we also offer feed, along with feeding equipment, waterers, bulbs, heaters, and everything else you need to successfully raise happy and healthy poultry.

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Our fully stocked gardening center is always supplied with all the most popular seeds, perennials, and annuals, along with all the fertilizers, potting soil, and nutrients to help them grow.

From bulk vegetable seeds like potato and onion, to alfalfa and clover for cow patches, to early cabbage or broccoli, and even grass seed mixes – we have you covered when it comes to seeds.

We also run sales and promotions on beautiful flowers including geraniums and mums, and feature a huge selection of hanging baskets that make perfect gifts.

You will love our selection of trees, bushes and shrubs too – we’ve got everything from lilacs to apple trees to roses.

See Upcoming Sales & Events

Pets & Livestock

Keep the family dog and cat well fed and healthy. We’ve got a wide selection of brands for yourfour-legged friends, including horse, cow, and deer products.

From flea and tick solutions for pets, to penicillin injections for your dairy cattle, to joint supplements, shampoos, and vitamins for your horses, we’ve got all the over-the-counter health products you need.

We also stock deer food boxes, salt, and everything else you need to operate a successful deer food plot.

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